Our language and accents in South Louisiana are as unique as it gets in any part of America.  Our particular French dialect has a history that is colored with both pride and shame.  I'll write more about it in the future, but for now, I thought I'd stick to some of the things that make us smile.

Cajun Mini Translator

"Cajun Term" = "English Term"

"Ax" or "Axe" = "Ask"

"Cher" = "Dear" (Term of endearment)

"Couyon" or "Couillon" = "Crazy"

"Dat" = "That"

"Da" = "The"

"Dem" = "Them"

"Dere" = "There"

"Deir" = "Their"

"Dese" = "These"

"Dey" = "They"

"Fren" = "Friend"

"Dis" = "This"

"Mais" = "Well"

"Tink" = "Think"

"Wit" = "With"

"Y'all" = "you all" or "everybody" or "you guys"

"Yea" = "Yes"

"Zink" = "Sink"

"Liberry" = "Library"

"Bawl" = "Boil"

"Batroom" = "Bathroom"

Cajun Phrase Interpreter

"phonetic spelling" = "English meaning"

"sa say bon" = "that is good"

"veri close vens" = "varicose veins"

"eh ha" = "hopeless" or "look out"

"jeet" = "did you eat"  (all over The South)

"step ins" or "pontlett" = panty

"mad see boo coo" = "thank you very much"

"tet dju" = "hard head" or "stubborn"

"momp tsee" = "my little one"

"fa tru" = "is that true"  (mostly New Orleans)

"get down" = "exit the vehicle"

"hose pipe" = "water hose"

"dat way" = "that direction"

"save da dishes" = "put away the dishes"

"save da clothes" = "fold and store the clothes"

"make groceries" = "grocery shopping"

                                                (mostly New Orleans)

The Cajun Language

Roger Paul

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